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HVAC maintenanceIT repairsElect/Elect repairsMechanical repairsBuilding maintenanceCleaning serviceFurniture & FittingsEvent serviceplumbing works

Getting quality jobs done for individuals and organisations!

On-demand services designed for you

Regular, verified and certified soft services professionals & technicians available for your needs.

12 - 48 Hours response time

Schedule when it works for you as early as today

Now is the time to find a schedule that fits your lifestyle! Get started today and make sure you stay on track-


24/7 Customer Support

Let us be a comforting presence for your journey ahead!

Our online customer support team is on hand to help you out - whatever the issue, day or night. We are here to make sure we exceed your expectations, and all your services requests are sorted out quickly!

Our featured SSP (Soft Service Providers) can provide you with an efficient and convenient solution

Providers These Professional and hardworking individuals have made valuable contributions to the platform, providing quality services
and consistently delivering exceptional results for their clients.


Ademola Deji

462 completed tasks

Web Design

Web Development

Website management


Ademola Deji

462 completed tasks

Web Design

Web Development

Website management


Ademola Deji

462 completed tasks

Web Design

Web Development

Website management

Our customers are living life with a
smile on their faces!

Bayewu Tunde


James was fantastic! Easy to work with, efficient, and went above and beyond when the task ended up being much larger than we anticipated...

Sarah Johnson


Great experience! The team was professional and delivered on time.

Michael Smith


Highly recommend! They exceeded my expectations in every way.

Emily Davis


Fantastic service! I will definitely work with them again.

David Brown


Very satisfied with the results. They were attentive to my needs.

Jessica Wilson


An excellent collaboration! They brought my vision to life.

Chris Lee


Professional and dedicated. A pleasure to work with!

Laura Garcia


Impressive work! They are true experts in their field.

Check all 10 reviews


Having a reliable team of professionals

Build your team of local, background-verified Workers to help with-- and for-- life. Whatever you need, they’ve got it covered.

  • Compare SSP workers reviews, ratings, and prices.

  • Choose and connect with the best person for the job

  • Save your favorites to book again and again

  • Service level agreement (SLA) available for subscription and premium services

  • Get trained to become certified SSP with us and get connected to unlimited job opportunities

HQ2 limited

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